Kearny's Pages
Image of
Kearny circa 1862, from William Styple.
Kearny (pronounced CAR-nee) was a flamboyant adventurer
and soldier who most notably fought for the United States
of America in the Mexican, Indian, and Civil Wars. During
his brilliant military career he proved himself
honorable, chivalrous, and compassionate towards his men,
with a joie de vivre that inspired his troops in battle.
Kearny's courage earned him the respect of his soldiers
and fellow officers alike, the greatest of which came
from General-in-Chief Winfield Scott who called him
"the bravest and most perfect soldier" he had
ever known.

Biography of Philip Kearny
"The Bravest of the
Kearny's Pages
Memory of Philip Kearny
Philip Kearny at the
Battle of Chantilly
Kearny's Corner
An American Soldier's
Gallant Fight in the Battle of Solferino
A Dashing Dragoon: The Murat of
the American Army
Pages at this Web Site
The Biography of Corporal Charles
Significance of Veterans Day

Kearny: "The Bravest of the Brave" - The
story of Philip Kearny's life.
In Memory of Philip Kearny - A tribute to General
Philip Kearny, featuring the famous poem "Kearny at
Seven Pines" by Edmund Clarence Stedman, images of
the Kearny Cross and Kearny Medal of Valor, and the
lithograph "Death of General Kearny, September 1,
1862" by Allen C. Redwood.
Philip Kearny at the Battle of Chantilly - Read
about the battle in a description written by Kearny's
aide de camp, and see a picture of Kearny's statue at
Arlington National Cemetery where he is buried. Also
included is a picture of the markers to Kearny and
Stevens at Ox Hill Battlefield Park. These monuments were
placed there in memory of the two generals who fell and
died on the battlefield of Chantilly (Ox Hill).
Kearny's Corner - This page features Civil War
stories and anecdotes about General Philip Kearny by
soldiers who knew him.
An American Soldier's Gallant Fight in the Battle of
Solferino - Historian William B. Styple contributes
information in a special article on the occasion of the
140th anniversary of the Battle of Solferino.
Accompanying this article is a photo of the battlefield
as it looks today, and of Kearny in civilian dress in
1859. The Battle of Solferino, fought June 24, 1859, was
key in the Italian Campaign of the Franco-Austrian War,
and also found Kearny proving his bravery in combat,
earning him the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
A Dashing Dragoon: The Murat of the American Army
- A special tribute to Kearny written by prose-poet Mayne
Reid and published in 1869. While serving as a captain of
the New York Volunteers during the Mexican War, Reid knew
Kearny as a "dashing dragoon." This article
also references Kearny's service during the Civil War.
The Biography of Corporal Charles Hopkins -
Charles Hopkins was a private with Company I of the 1st
New Jersey Volunteer Infantry when he served in Kearny's
Brigade of Jersey Blues. Following the war, Hopkins set
forth to honor the brigade's beloved general, whom he was
indebted for shaping the 1st New Jersey men into soldiers
during the war.
The Significance of Veterans Day - Accompanying
this article about Veteran's Day is an historical photo
commemorating the unveiling of Kearny's equestrian statue
at Arlington National Cemetery, on November 11, 1914.
Pictured before the monument in this photo is Civil War
veteran Charles Hopkins.
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