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Last days at CSULB

Letter postmarked December 16, 1991

Dear Daralee--

Once again--thank you for your beautiful
letter and good tidings.
Things sound good with you.
And of course that's the way
they are supposed to be sounding.
I am busy finishing up
at State. Thursday
or Friday will be my final
day(s) down there
I feel strange, turning in my keys,
leaving stamped envelopes for them to
send my mail to me. I feel
truly like a stranger now,
as if I don't belong there.
enough homesickness.
I do want out,
I do want to start this new life
of mine. I have been teaching
long enough and more than long
I just came back from a good long
walk out into and among the rocks.
It is always so healing, just doing that
and being there by myself. Just
sitting, becoming a rock
among all the rocks.
You will see what I mean
when you visit us.

Now I go. Do write your poems
and stories. Do write! As simple as that.


richard lee