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Should Of

George Raft is dead at 85.
Wow! And Thanksgiving time too.
How's that for timing?
I really liked George Raft,
that smile, that crafty smile
that never said it all,
the smile of a bad guy.
No doubt about it.
The LA Times had an obituary
that ran for pages--all the names,
dates (1895-1980), movies (Scar-
face, Skidoo) gangster friends,
the money. It went on and on
and ended on page 23 of Part 1
where they advertize
Funeral Directors
Cremation Services
(Embalming just $38
Caskets $145 up).
And whoever wrote the notice
did a bang-up job: "I let it
all get away from me," they
quote George Raft. "And now
it's gone....Maybe I should of
kept some of the dough.
But I didn't."
Dead at 85. A long,
long life. But dead as an actor
long before that. Let it all
get away from him.
Sensible Funeral Prices.
Low Cost Removal.
Good old George Raft. Bad
guy. Sneaky. No Salesman
Will Call. I loved
Saturday afternoons and George Raft.
Majestic Theater. Main Street.
Akron, Ohio. Maybe he should have
kept some of the dough.
But he didn't.
"Maybe I should of
done something different."
Akron. Matinees.
"I don't feel like an old man.
And I don't feel too sorry.
Maybe I should of...."

But I doubt it.

Deva Veerendra
© 11-1980