Olive Through the Ages
Citizens and their homes | Biographies
| Memories
Directory listings, locals, and residences
Click/tap the links below to open a separate browser window
or tab showing directory listings of Olive residents or ranch owners
in the given year.
Click/tap a thumbnail below to open a separate browser
window or tab with the image of the home / resident in Olive:
![Paulus home, circa late 1920s](icons/i-res-paulus-clate1920s.gif) |
Paulus family
home on Meats Avenue in the southern Olive area, circa the late
1920s. |
![Jonathan Watson home, 1930](icons/i-intro-watson-home-1930.gif) |
pioneer Jonathan Watson's home in the northeastern Olive area, 1930. |
![Gus McClintock, circa 1940s](icons/i-res-mcclintock-gus-c1940s.gif) |
McClintock at his home on 8641 Oceanview (circa the 1940s) where
he lived until his death in 1961. Gus' best friend and hunting buddy
was Rudy Heman who ran the Olive Heights Citrus Association packing
house. Pictured with Gus is his favorite rifle "Bessie"
and two bucks he hunted in the Santa Ana Canyon. - Ross McClintock,
Gus' grandson |
![Ross A. McClintock](icons/i-res-mcclintock-ross-c1940s.gif) |
Ross Augustus McClintock,
son of Gus and Iva McClintock, was a native of Olive where he lived
until his early adulthood. His daughter Julia submitted photos of
her father Ross in Olive from his childhood until his service in
WWII. Click / tap the image at left to view the photo compilation.
[NOTE: See Ross in the 1933
Olive Grammar School 5th and 6th grade class portrait.] |
![Fritz Meyers, mid-1970s](icons/i-res-meyers-fritz-1970s.gif) |
Fritz Meyers in a Model
T Ford in Olive, CA in the mid-1970s. Fritz was the son of rancher
/ businessman Henry C. Meyers and the father of Fred Meyers who
submitted this photo. |
Historic homes in Olive Heights
Click/tap a thumbnail below to open a separate browser window
or tab with the image of an historic home in Olive Heights:
Front of Louis
Schorn's Victorian home built at the corner of Bixby and Ocean View
circa 1889. |
Rear view
of Louis Schorn's home seen from the gravel path behind the olive
trees on the property. |
![Illustration of path behind Schorn home](icons/i-res-schorn-illus-dlo-102509.gif) |
My ink illustration
of the gravel path behind the Schorn home, showing olive trees to
the right. |
![Gelker Adobe, 1935](icons/i-res-gelker-sapl-1935.gif) |
Ben Gelker's
adobe built of bricks from the area in 1935. Gelker arrived here
in the 1920s. |
![Gelker Adobe](icons/i-res-gelker-dlo-020109.gif) |
The Gelkers
lived in this adobe home at the corner of Buena Vista and Ocean
View until the late 1970s. |
![Gelker Adobe](icons/i-res-gelker-dlo-062409.gif) |
View looking
south down Ocean View at the Gelker Adobe, its adobe bricks painted
white. |
View the Flickr slideshow of homes in Olive Heights by
clicking/tapping the image below.
![Homes in Olive Heights, Flickr](images/res-homes-dlo-060609.jpg)