A Memorial Day
Charles Hopkins
in Boonton, New Jersey,
May 31, 1920
Again we are called upon to observe
the day that is set aside for honoring the dead that died
for the cause that welded this Nation as one, and fought
to save from desecration the flag that bespeaks Liberty
to all who claim its protection.
Fifty-five years have passed since the rattle of
musketry, and the roar of cannon have become quiet in the
war to save a Nation, that made it possible to become the
real Arbiter of the greatest War in the history since the
birth of man.
The veteran of 1865 is answering "here" to the
last roll call by the thousands annually, and a few years
will complete the list. Then, the most unique body of men
will have passed into history without perpetuation. The
Grand Army of the Republic name dies with the death of
its last member. The new splendid body of young men will
take up the work and finish as has the G.A.R.
A beautiful Memorial Day service is fitting in all
communities and it should be sacredly observed for
honoring the dead that gave their all to save a Nation
whole. The successful Civil War made the World War a
success so far as this country was concerned. Honor your
dead, and you honor yourself.

B. Styple, John J. Fitzpatrick, editors, The
Andersonville Memoirs of Charles Hopkins (New Jersey:
Belle Grove Publishing Company, 1988), p. 213.
Photo of the New Jersey monument at Andersonville
National Cemetery by Jack Fitzpatrick, care of Hopkins's
Thanks to Bill Styple for use of this material. See Remembering Our Civil War Veterans for more about Memorial
Day, including a button worn by Charles Hopkins
in 1916.

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