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Preparing for a visit to New York City

Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 21:27:10
Author: richard lee <>
Subject: Re: Hello

Thank you for your letter, D. It came in just as I was writing to a friend in New York. Ah, New York--I am still making plans to go next month sometime, but I am afraid. Savya, who is a native New Yorker--that's where I met her--doesn't want to go. It is too strenuous, too demanding, too fluffy, crowded, noisey [sic] and inconsiderate. Yet I feel the compulsion to go for one last visit--walk the streets, feel the hordes of people on all sides yet not know any of them, walk the halls of museums looking for glory, Greenwich Village and New York University. Looking for my past which, of course, has no existence whatsoever, and yet there I am searching for it. Have a good year, daralee. Goodyear, where I used to work? I go. richard new yorker in exile