Letter from Pune, India dated July 5, 1979

July 3
Dear Daralee --
Before Skylab falls on me, I am writing my good friends quick little notes.
Like -- I bequeath to you all my paper clips. Or whatever. Wouldn't it
be weird if....?
Here it is monsoon time. Windy. Sudden rains. Extreme heat. The commune
is alive with activity. Tues. the 10th is Guru Day in India, so there
will be elephants, banners, bands, colorful crowds, and pick pockets everywhere.
Very active time around here.
For me this summer is fantastic. It is alive with growth and change. I
have talked with so many people from so many countries around the world,
I think my tongue will drop off. It is so great to be here. It is beautiful.
And one line only for you? How are you? Okay?
Love, Deva Veerendra
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