the Diary of
Clara Solomon
of a Girl in New Orleans
During the Civil War

Clara Solomon was
16 when the war began. A native of New Orleans, she was the second of
six daughters born to Solomon and Emma Solomon, members of an elite
group of Sephardic Jews (members of the Jewish faith known to have assimilated
successfully into Christian communities along the Eastern seaboard and
in Louisiana).
Early in the war, Clara's father left his former business to serve as
a sutler, supplying clothing and accoutrements to troops engaged in
battles in Virginia. During his absence from the household, Solomon
entrusted to his wife their home; supervision over their domestic housekeeper
and their domestic slave; and care of their daughters Alice (a 19-year-old
teacher at the nearby public school, the Webster School), Clara (a 16-year-old
student at the Louisiana Normal School where girls studied to be teachers),
Frances (their 14-year-old, also known as Fanny or Fannie), Sarah (their
eight-year-old, also known as Sallie), Rosa (four), and Josephine (their
one-year-old, also known as Josie).
Clara tells her life story from June 1961 to July 1862 in her journal,
published as The Civil War Diary of Clara Solomon (edited by
Elliott Ashkenazi). Her diary entries give modern readers insight into
the thoughts and feelings of Southerners during the Union occupation
of New Orleans, and before that period of the war. As an expressive
and impressionable young woman, Clara also reveals a lot about her own
character in her writing. While she betrays a rare, idealistic spirit
not uncommon to her day and age, in many ways Clara is the typical,
modern American teenager, in her self-consciousness about her appearance,
complaints about her mother, frequent disinterest in her studies, and
fickleness regarding her interest in young men.
An afterword to Clara's story is recounted by the editor. In 1866, Clara
married Julius Lilienthal, a well-established jewelry merchant who was
20 years her senior. Julius, who was in poor health at the time of their
marriage, died the following year while under the care of Dr. George
Lawrence, a medical officer in the United States Navy. Six years later,
Clara married Dr. Lawrence, and their union produced four daughters
(Ida Mary, Sally Emma, Alice Rosa, and Elizabeth Elvina). In 1889, Clara's
second husband passed away, leaving her a widow until her death in 1907.
Though she had lived for a time in Arkansas with her second husband
and four children, Clara's last residence was in New Orleans, her beloved
Excerpts from the diary of Clara Solomon—spanning the period of April
through May 1862—are featured here. On these pages, text within brackets
[ ] has been added for clarity, and text in sans-serif font (Arial) denotes
background information and/or comments. Since paper was scarce during
the war, each of Clara's journal entries was written as a single paragraph.
However, for easier reading, passages presented here are broken into
The Civil War
Diary of Clara Solomon: Growing Up in New Orleans, 1861-1862, edited
by Elliott Ashkenazi, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge,
LA, 1995.
Image of Clara Solomon care of Alice Dale Cohan.

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